HFU Student Clubs

The possibilities are endless.

At Holy Family, 我们的学生俱乐部帮助学生利用他们的兴趣,并为他们的简历增添宝贵的经验. 浏览下面的俱乐部,并填写我们的快速表格,让我们知道你有兴趣. 一名俱乐部代表将与您联系有关细节和参与的后续步骤.

Albertans Science Club

The Albertans, Holy Family University’s science club, fosters interest in the various fields of science with exhibits, films, and tours. 虽然大多数成员都专注于科学,但这不是成为会员的必要条件. 

For more information, email Albertans@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Aspiring Educators

有志教育者俱乐部致力于各个层次的教育(幼儿), elementary, middle, 中等及特殊教育),并应互相协助,作为会员和新教育者,以专业成长, personally and socially.

For more information, email AspiringEducators@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Black Student Union

黑人学生会为黑人/非裔美国学生提供了一个安全的空间,同时也传播了意识并团结了社区成员. BSU的一个主要目标是通过活动和体验来庆祝和展示校园内黑人/非裔美国人文化的价值. BSU's core values are Family, Empowerment, Attitude, Social responsibility, and Trust, F.E.A.S.T! 

For more information, email bsu@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Business Society


学生在学年期间有大量的个人发展机会, including tours of local companies in the Philadelphia area, hosting seminars and forums with local business leaders, and participating in community service projects.

For more information, email BusinessSociety@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Dance Team

十大网络彩票平台大全舞蹈队致力于训练舞者, learning choreography, and providing performance opportunities. 这个团队是为那些有兴趣学习不同舞蹈风格的学生而设计的,同时也支持我们的运动队, providing excitement/enthusiasm for the fans, and showing school spirit.

For more information, email DanceTeam@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Film Club

By participating in this film club, 学生将有机会观看电影,并与同龄人讨论. Additionally, 学生将有机会制作自己的短片,并创造自己的媒体形式. 这个俱乐部的目标是为每个人提供一个创造性的出口和一种自我表达的形式.  For more information, email filmclub@1718114.net.


Folio是一群设计和出版文学杂志的学生, 哪一种可以作为创意写作和其他艺术活动的表达方式.


For more information, email Folio@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter


During spring break, 学生们前往预定的工作地点,通过圣家的替代性春假旅行与仁人家园一起工作一周. 

For more information, email HabitatForHumanity@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Pre-Healthcare Association

预备保健协会向所有有兴趣申请医学院的学生开放. 该俱乐部将为十大网络彩票平台大全所有有抱负的医生提供支持和指导. 积极成员将积极准备医学院能力测试(MCAT),并给予积极寻求社区服务的工具, clinical volunteering, and research positions to make them more competitive applicants.

In addition, 我们会提供建议,帮助会员计划课程安排, co-curriculars, 以及其他参与活动,以确保学生在时机成熟时做好申请的准备.

Members will also learn about the various medical specialties, application techniques, the interview process, and test preparation.

For more information, email HFUPreHealthCare@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Social and Behavioral Sciences Association (SBS)

社会与行为科学协会的宗旨是通过讲座来促进对人类服务各个领域的兴趣, films, and community-service field trips. Membership is open to all students.

For more information, email SBSClub@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Spectrum, An LGBTQIA+ Student Alliance

Spectrum为扩展的女同性恋者提供了一个包容和支持的环境, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community.

Spectrum有三个核心任务领域:社会、意识/教育和倡导. Spectrum致力于提供引人入胜的教育节目, 与社区和大学组织建立联系和伙伴关系, and be a welcoming, friendly, and supportive community and an upstanding, positive, 并丰富了圣家社区更广泛的文化.


For more information, email Spectrum@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Student Government Association (SGA)

SGA促进团结,授权学生参与,并倡导学生为学生改变. SGA supports the mission of Holy Family University by assisting in the creation and sustainability of a diverse and engaged campus; provides an open forum for students to voice concerns and actively pursue resolutions; and serves as the undergraduate student liaisons to University administration, faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees.

For more information, email SGA@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Student Visual Arts Association (SVAA)

SVAA旨在将对视觉艺术感兴趣的学生聚集在一起. 活动由团体产生,包括视觉艺术的社区服务, open discussions of timely visual arts issues, and group trips to art exhibits. It is an organization that supports service to others, 致力于探索不同的观点,并为学生提供智力成长的机会.

For more information, email svaa@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form


自1954年以来,Tri-Lite一直是十大网络彩票平台大全的官方学生报纸. Tri-Lite为学生记者提供机会,磨练他们的手艺,并为在不断发展的媒体领域的职业生涯做准备. Tri-Lite于2017年10月从印刷出版物转向数字出版物. 

For more information, email Tri-Lite@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Student Nurses Association of Holy Family (SNAHF)

SNAHF is a state-level, 代表护理专业学生利益的专业前组织. 它是全国学生护士协会的一个组成部分., the largest independent student organization in the country.

For more information, email SNAHF@1718114.net or simply fill out the Join A Club form